This was a great Vaca. We felt so comfortable being there, even in these CV-19 times. As you enter the resort you are temp checked and enter a sanitizing booth that mists you as you turn. Hand sanitized everywhere, everyone greets you with a smile you cam see through their masks as they take your luggage to sanitize it before taking it to the room. The rooms have been sanitized and cleaned. There is hand sani and a pakg with mask and gloves with the bathroom amenities. This whole trip was safe feeling. While you are out at the pools restaurants and beach guests do not need to wear masks but the employees all do… ~We went out and the taxis were clean/sanitized. Everyone, before entry into the malls or restaurants, your temp was taken and given sanitizer. This is our “new norm” for right now. But, we felt happy and at ease.

Jul 27 , 2020 – robertdeej – Member