Cenotes, witnesses of the passage of time

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Recent important discoveries were made in Xlacah cenote, which is located in the Archaeological Zone of Dzibilchaltún, Yucatán. The findings were made during cleaning and ecological conservation work by archaeologists from the National Institute of Anthropology (INAH).

As part of the cleaning work done inside the cenote, invasive fish species were extracted due to their aggressive competition with endemic species. This was achieved by removing much of the vegetation that grows in the cenote, where these species hide.

During one of the last cleanings a small cavern was found on one side of the cenote, and a second session was required to explore it. This discovery was made by an experienced cave explorer from the area.

This cavern also provided indications of the existence of pre-Hispanic life in the area, like stones that would have been part of pre-Hispanic buildings, as well as ceramic materials and human and animal remains.

It was concluded that this cenote may have been intentionally modified in pre-Hispanic times and that it was used by humans. The researchers determined that the cenote witnessed several historical moments, from the occupation of a Mayan town to a Novo-Hispanic farm.