
Luxury Resort Collection

Sunset Green World


Taking a vacation in Sunset World Resorts & Vacation Experiences is transforming. We cover every aspect of a vacation experience for every guest, however nothing has been more transforming than becoming a green company in order to benefit the environment, our Members and our community. Sustainable development practices are a natural consequence of our concern to preserving our precious natural resources and the environment, our homeland. In the center of our long-term vision we want to be the leaders in developing tourism in harmony with the environment, the society, culture and local economy. Under the Sunset Green World signature, Sunset World communicates the actions being taken to preserve, restore and develop in harmony with our environment.


Taking a vacation in Sunset World Resorts & Vacation Experiences is transforming. We cover every aspect of a vacation experience for every guest, however nothing has been more transforming than becoming a green company in order to benefit the environment, our Members and

Step 1


1) Identification. First we identified operational points and technology that were not energy efficient.

Step 1


2) Next we replaced equipment and processes that caused unnecessary energy consumption.

Step 1


3) Finally we got to enjoy the results.



Taking a vacation in Sunset World Resorts & Vacation Experiences is transforming. We cover every aspect of a vacation experience for every guest, however nothing has been more transforming than becoming a green company in order to benefit the environment, our Members and our community. Sustainable development practices are a natural consequence of our concern to preserving our precious natural resources and the environment, our homeland. In the center of our long-term vision we want to be the leaders in developing tourism in harmony with the environment, the society, culture and local economy. Under the Sunset Green World signature, Sunset World communicates the actions being taken to preserve, restore and develop in harmony with our environment.


Taking a vacation in Sunset World Resorts & Vacation Experiences is transforming. We cover every aspect of a vacation experience for every guest, however nothing has been more transforming than becoming a green company in order to benefit the environment, our Members and our community. Sustainable development practices are a natural consequence of our concern to preserving our precious natural resources and the environment, our homeland. In the center of our long-term vision we want to be the leaders in developing tourism in harmony with the environment, the society, culture and local economy. Under the Sunset Green World signature, Sunset World communicates the actions being taken to preserve, restore and develop in harmony with our environment.

Energía Eólica


Sunset World has also launched and celebrated major events showcasing our culture, traditions and natural resources, including: Annual Sea Turtle Release, the Earth Hour, Hacienda Tres Ríos Triathlon, Mayan-Tibetan Cultural Encounter 2011-2012, Sunset Boat Parade (Christmas), Sunset World Pop Culture Fest 2013, World Environment Day, World Water Day, World Wetlands Day.


Taking a vacation in Sunset World Resorts & Vacation Experiences is transforming. We cover every aspect of a vacation experience for every guest, however nothing has been more transforming than becoming a green company in order to benefit the environment, our Members and our community. Sustainable development practices are a natural consequence of our concern to preserving our precious natural resources and the environment, our homeland. In the center of our long-term vision we want to be the leaders in developing tourism in harmony with the environment, the society, culture and local economy. Under the Sunset Green World signature, Sunset World communicates the actions being taken to preserve, restore and develop in harmony with our environment.

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