Flavors that Celebrate the Earth and the Delicacies of Mexico

March arrives with all the renewal of spring and new flavors at Sunset World. To remember how much we have to thank Mother Earth for, restaurants at Sunset resorts will serve a special dinner on March 30, during Earth Hour. The lights will be turned off to allow us to enjoy the natural light of the stars and try dishes inspired by the generosity of nature, such as delicious shrimp with dill mayonnaise and hydroponic lettuce, or a grilled beef fillet with tapioca and vegetable brunoise. There isn’t a more delightful way to spend Earth Hour under the stars in the Mexican Caribbean.

Our members and guests will also have the opportunity to taste the flavors of Campeche in March, as part of the “Manjares de México” (Delicacies of México) program, which will bring the most emblematic dishes from each state in México to the six Sunset World properties.

Sunset World diners will be able to order from five different menus with dishes from different regions of Campeche: Calakmul, Tenabo, Escárcega, Candelaria and Palizada. We will offer well-known dishes like traditional lima soup, cochinita pibil, salbutes and panuchos, and also lesser-known items like delicious turkey escabeche with a special annatto spice, fish soup with peppers and chayote, cream of chaya soup with fresh salmon and epazote, among other delicacies. The desserts will leave our guests with Campeche cravings: “caballo pobre” (bread pudding) with honey, almonds and peanuts, coconut custard, mango pie with walnut… and much more. The Manjares of México await you at Sunset World.